it is possible
that you will never
love me
i know.
but it's so hard for me to enjoy you
without loving you
i cannot breathe without opening my lungs
to the air
and i cannot Live without opening my heart
to you.
i can't hold either one for more than a moment.
air is not meant to be held
but captured
and released before it becomes toxic.
perhaps it is so
with you
hope: will you let me capture you
for that moment?
gift me with your presence
rushing in
and open my eyes to life?
feed me, heal me
until you have to leave
only if i promise not to hold you too long?...
the spirit Selah smiles
watching the body to whom she's become so attached
this perplexed human girl
always finding herself in a mess
pure comic delight
she laughs bells
and sighs a rustling breeze
before spreading her wings
and descending upon the childlike creature
again and again she has watched the girl
stumbling upon love
in the oddest places
fumbling to remove it from its shell.
and then, proud as prize peach pie
she places it
in the pocket
with the hole in it.
loses it
before she regains her course
every time.
poor thing.
perhaps one day she will realize
that all pockets have holes
because loves are not meant to be kept
forever. they are wild and precious things
sacred in the sight of god, and they prefer to make their own way-
always through the thicket, never in the clear. they are hard to track,
but take kindly to the chase, and they always lead
their followers
to water.
an unpredictable and exhausting journey, complemented by the sweetest rest...
but one thing is sure:
you will never know a love long
if you try to take it with you.
the girl looks down
and watches the dust turn to mud on her toes.
she has found another hole
where her love used to be.
Selah swoops in to comfort
i promise
not to hold you
too long