Monday, December 13, 2010

Lovers of Love

the thing that caused the Goddess to recreate herself in two
is the same thing that compels the cell to split

the desire for love

and so the universe continues to expand itself in two directions
only to come around full circle
meeting itself at both ends
one larger, one smaller
both perfect reflections of the other
the Snake swallowing its own tail
eternity coiling around inside itself
a vortex
the Universe
giving birth to/being swallowed up by its own Black Hole
beyond holiness
beyond comprehension

All Things
are Lovers of Love

Friday, November 19, 2010


In the end, it always comes down to a choice.

One between love and peace, passion and happiness. Although I sing loud the praises of love and passion, I tend to choose peace and happiness. Perhaps some of us are meant to stand outside the chaos, admiring its volatile beauty. We're there to remind those inside the cauldron that fire and water are necessary for their growth, and that they will ascend to the heavens with the sweet-smelling steam.

We dance at weddings, bless babies, write great love poems. Seasoning, tasting, adding. Stoking the flames.

We stir the pot.

It's necessary.

Friday, August 27, 2010


a silent 'if' lurks in front of everything you say
and while i appreciate the truth it carries
for me it's just a little scary
and i really don't see what's wrong with a bit of -
certainty -

even if it's false

and i know it sounds crazy
but you have to understand
that i'd rather be devastated then than lukewarm now (LET'S LIVE)
love, even as you hold me close every night
it feels as if you've got one foot out of the bed
and i guess those old insomniac tendencies die hard because
even with limbs interlocked and no space in-between
i sometimes get a chill from you
well meant, yes
and even refreshing
but it destroys the warmth i need to fully relax

wakes me up a bit

wish you would let go of your carefulness and measured statements
wish you would be here with me
in the lovers' dream
in the never-ending paradise of todays and tomorrows and ever-afters
wish you would let me love you
as if i had you
wish you would give up your fears about burning me
and provide for me the light and the warmth i need
to open up

and i know you would appreciate
the beauty
of the seeds of so many futures inside
and the miracle
of the thousand petals that mimic your loverays but
make it tangible
it could be real
this intimate relationship between sun and sunflower
who, even from a billion light years
love each other truly
and you can tell because they even look alike
it could be you and me
if only
you would consider the possibility...

and don't worry: i admit
that i've played the fool too many times
but even i know
that every promise
isn't kept

so just let it be summer
for now
and as for winter

let's cross that bridge
when we get to it.