Sunday, August 14, 2011


I slept for 16 hours
poured out all my demons
into dreams of the liquid night
their absence greeted me
upon waking
feeling so skinny
this is what it means to be new
this is what it means to start again
this is what it means to be free
one strong wind
from being taken up into the sky

I slept long
let go all of my strongholds
but which of them have returned already?
those that are my mothers
those that are my grandmothers
those that are my sisters
and my beloveds
see the goddess in my eyes?

they know what it means to get up and walk

and we'll walk the earth
until we get back there
to the ocean
to the dark nothingness
to the place beyond heaven
and earth
to sleep

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmm... the "never not broken goddess" are we? this is ... more than heartfelt... i don't have words, but i can say that this season is yielding some timeless pieces sis...legendary