Sunday, August 14, 2011


I slept for 16 hours
poured out all my demons
into dreams of the liquid night
their absence greeted me
upon waking
feeling so skinny
this is what it means to be new
this is what it means to start again
this is what it means to be free
one strong wind
from being taken up into the sky

I slept long
let go all of my strongholds
but which of them have returned already?
those that are my mothers
those that are my grandmothers
those that are my sisters
and my beloveds
see the goddess in my eyes?

they know what it means to get up and walk

and we'll walk the earth
until we get back there
to the ocean
to the dark nothingness
to the place beyond heaven
and earth
to sleep

This August

This August
has been changing more rapidly
than i like.

it's like fall
but i had wanted to sweat for visions
one more month.

and She said "no. cool yourself."
and i cried and cried

until the water did indeed cool me
and we became one
cool and wet
changing thing.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

yin's journey to the underworld

My love
my friend
why do you make a mockery of me?

I will not be denied
My Rites
as Goddess
Yet you have come to me unprepared?

Where then, shall I go
my love
if i am to continue to feed you?

Surely you won't deny me
will you
will you?
knowing that you traded the sacrament for lust
and dealt with my daughters as whores?

And so
though the heart's love binds us
the fullness of the life force
between our roots

My love
my friend
When you wake
and the give this memory -
of me, speaking to you
your own thoughts shrouded with my voice -
up to the blinding light
Know this: that it is you who broke the vow.

and do not be angry with me when i am gone

For when i return
i will be red and ripe and flowing
with the stuff of life
that can heal you
and i will try to resurrect you
once again