Tuesday, October 30, 2012


we are from parallel worlds
same space, same time
different dimensions

same words
mean different things
to you

my heart
can be in one place
in yours
it is always broken

i am fading out of your world
there with you still but thin, pale
seems i am wasting away-
you say i'm different

becoming solid again in my own
called back together from particles
by the whispered words of friends
"you do exist"
"you do exist"

paved paradise

***that awkward moment when you realize that someone you've poured your energy, love, and time into doesn't actually give two real fucks about you and your emotions...

and that you left someone who did***

Yeah, awkward.

Lesson learned.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

every woman knows

every woman knows
that you don't simply lose your innocence
you vomit it up
one heartbreak at a time
choking on wails from the seat of your holiness
as you release glitter-winged butterflies
to fend for themselves in the world

every woman knows
that you don't go a day
without silently praying for their safety
imagining that they still exist somewhere out there
hoping that the pieces of you
that left
have fared better than the ones that had to stay and bear it

every woman knows
that the emptiness never fades
or is filled
so we make it our duty to extract as much beauty out of the numbness as possible
it is why we are the creators
witches, priestesses, magicians
we are birth-givers and masters of resurrection
piecing together dead dreams from nothing but memory

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

the surrender poem

the thing that pulls me to you
i feel in my body
called out from the soft place above the bulb
at the end of my left collarbone
where all of my swallowed tears are hiding
they still hope...

this energy
the force breathing again inside of me
is pushing through the half moons at the bases of my fingernails
hands, trained to give, steady
shake now
must touch you
they still need...

skin puts on a show
turning colors for you
brown to pink to red to gold to glow
still wanting
bones that are strong
still ache
they would melt
i could be all liquid
warm gel
moving, speaking, dancing as plasma
belly to belly
feel my form lapping at you
thighs gently kissing...
drawing you in like the ocean
plunge in and be warm with me
my center still knows
my soul still remembers...

i am making something out of nothing
has always been my destiny

i still believe
love is magic